PHP While loop do over and over tasks as long as the specified condition is true.
while (condition){
// to do
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PHP - Switch Statement
Switch statement uses to perform different actions based on the different conditions of same variable at once. It takes one variable as an input and then check different conditions setup for switch statement. It acts like a set of if statements define for a variable.
switch (<variable>){
case <label 1>:
{code to be executed if the variable is label 1};
case <label 2>:
{code to be executed if the variable is label 2};
{code to be executed if the variable is not equal to above labels};
PHP - Post & Pre Increment & Decrement
This is a quite shorter way to add 1 to or subtract 1 from a variable.
Increment Operator
"++" uses to increase 1
Decrement Operator
"--" uses to decrease 1
$no1 = 5;
$no1++; // This is equal to $no1 = $no1 + 1;
$no1--; // This is equal to $no1 = $no1 - 1;
Increment Operator
"++" uses to increase 1
Decrement Operator
"--" uses to decrease 1
$no1 = 5;
$no1++; // This is equal to $no1 = $no1 + 1;
$no1--; // This is equal to $no1 = $no1 - 1;
- There is a difference when the increment operator uses before the variable and after the variable. If the operator uses before the variable then the value get after increasing the variable value. But put the increment operator after the variable then 1st it print the variable value and then increase the value by 1.
PHP - String Operators
The Period "." operator used to concatenate two or more strings together.
$text1 = "Programming Languages";
$text2 = "for Beginners";
echo $text1 . " " . $text2; // Two string variables and a space join together
$text1 = "Programming Languages";
$text2 = "for Beginners";
echo $text1 . " " . $text2; // Two string variables and a space join together
PHP - Heredoc String Creation
PHP traditional string creation method I've mentioned in earlier post. That method common to most of the programming languages. PHP introduces a more robust string string creation tool called Heredoc, it creates multi-line strings without using single or double quotes. This methods seems to be easy but it's too difficult and can be lead to arise errors if you do not properly code the string.
PHP - Conditional Statements
Conditional Statements are used to perform different actions based on the conditions.
In PHP, there are few conditional statements are used to do that.
In PHP, there are few conditional statements are used to do that.
- If Statement
Perform some actions if the condition is true. - If.. Else Statement
Perform some actions if the condition is true and another actions if its false. - If... ElseIf Statement
Perform some actions according to the conditions provided - Switch Statement
Blocks of codes can be executed
PHP - Constants
PHP Constant is an identifier for a value like a variable but it has some unique characteristics such as,
How to set a PHP Constant
There is a key word calling "define" uses to define the constants in PHP.
- Once you create a constant then you cant change it
- Once you create a constant then you cant undefined it
- Value cannot be changed during the script
- Constant Name starts with a Letter or underscore sign. There is no $ sign for constants.
How to set a PHP Constant
There is a key word calling "define" uses to define the constants in PHP.
PHP - How to read content of a file
PHP can read the content of files such as txt, doc, etc and can be displays it onto the web page as a HTML document.
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